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Electronic Payments User Information Security
Group Jobs Intro Video for Support Staff
Support Staff Resources
Group Jobs for Support Staff
Created 05/22/24.
Group Jobs Intro Video for Circle of Support
Participant and Circle Resources
Group Jobs for Circle of Support
Created 05/22/24.
One or more participants in the group shift is absent, how do I proceed?
Support Staff Resources
Group Jobs for Support Staff
One or more participants in the group shift is absent, how do I proceed? If the there are two or...
During a group shift one or more participants has to leave, what do I do?
Support Staff Resources
Group Jobs for Support Staff
During a group shift one or more participants has to leave, what do I do? End the current group ...
Participants in a group shift live in close proximity, which location do I select?
Support Staff Resources
Group Jobs for Support Staff
Participants in a group shift live in close proximity (for example in the same apartment complex)...
Why is the shift I already approved still showing as pending circle review?
Participant and Circle Resources
Group Jobs for Circle of Support
Why is the shift I have already approved still showing as pending circle review in My Staff Work?...