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Documentation for the ISS Portal
How do I access eTime?
Go to to login. After logging in, there are buttons to start an eTime line sh...
eTime Mileage and Expenses
Keynote - eTime
Updated 06/18/20.
Am I eTime Ready?
Participants, staff, and jobs that are not eTime ready are indicated as such throughout the po...
Can staff still upload a scan of a paper timesheet using the Timesheet Upload feature?
No. The Timesheet Upload feature will no longer be available as of Friday, June 19, 2020.
Can I still submit paper timesheets by mail?
Yes. For the time being, paper timesheets submitted by mail are still accepted.
Will there be training for eTime?
A scheduled training session has not been planned for eTime. Rather, documentation, videos, an...
What is the difference between eTime Entry and eTime Live?
eTime Entry is the manual entry of each shift. eTime Live provides a more app-like interface...
Will my personal data be secure in eTime?
Yes; your connection to eTime and the rest of the portal uses the https protocol, which encryp...
Will eTime run in the background and drain my battery?
No. eTime Entry and eTime Live are both modern portal based websites that you will access via ...
Do I need to request access to eTime?
No. Your existing portal login is adequate. If you are support staff, then you will automatica...
Group Jobs for Support Staff
How can I set up a portal account for me or someone else?
Please send an email to with your name, email, phone number and role. Som...
I’m having trouble logging in. Help.
If you’ve forgotten your password, click the Forgot your password link on the login page (http...
Who can enter and submit time?
Support staff must enter and submit their own time. You cannot submit time on behalf of someon...
Can I enter eTime shifts for my staff?
No. Support staff must enter and submit their own time. You cannot submit time on behalf of so...
What kinds of staff/services can submit time with eTime?
Currently, the only services/jobs supported by eTime are ComHab, SEMP (Job Coach and Job Devel...
How often do I need to record my time with eTime?
If using eTime Live, you should be recording your time as you work. If instead you record you...
I’m not sure which method to choose. What’s the difference?
See Method Options for information about each method and when to use each.
I’m performing Virtual Face to Face support. What technologies may I use for service delivery?
eTime will include a list of all known acceptable technologies. If your technology is not incl...
How do I submit/enter Time Off/PTO?
Please refer to the page Requesting/Submitting Time Off.
Group Jobs for Circle of Support
Tax and ePay Forms - Possible Errors and Messages
Documentation for eTime
eTime Guide
A guide to all things eTime
Broker Resources
Information specific to brokers.
Electronic Expenses
All things electronic expenses.
Support Staff Resources
Information specific to Support Staff.
Participant and Circle Resources
Information about portal features relevant to Participants and their Circles of Support.
Portal Basics
Information about getting up and running on the portal.
Information about the security measures employed on the portal.
LMS (Learning Management System)
Information about the LMS, our Learning Management System, which is on the Portal in the My Learn...
Electronic Payments
Information about Electronic Payments (ePay) for expense reimbursements.
eTime FAQ
List of answers to frequently asked questions about eTime
What's New - Release Notes
Check out the additions and changes with each new release of eTime.
Budget Summaries
Staff Action Plans
How to create, sign, and submit a Staff Action Plan.
SAP Timesheets
How to create, edit, view, and submit SAP Timesheets for Support Staff to use.
Broker Meeting Minutes
How to upload and view Broker Meeting Minutes in the portal.
Monthly Summary Notes
This section explains how to submit and view Monthly Summary Notes through the portal.
Resources for all things EVV.
Support Staff Dashboard Guide
Expense Upload Guide
SEMP Survey User Guide & Training Documentation
Enabling Location Services Guide
UKG (Formerly UltiPro)
Can I save a shift and come back to finish it later?
Yes. You can save a shift as a draft and return to it later. To return to it later, staff can cl...