Overview of LMS Organization
Updated 07/29/22.
The Learning Management System structure can be broken down into a series of Courses, Lessons and Assignments. Assigned courses can be found by logging into the Portal and selecting View Your Courses in the My Learning widget or by selecting the My Learning tab from the menu.
Courses are a series of curated lessons pertaining to a broad subject. Courses that are assigned can be found under the Active tab in the LMS. Courses that have been completed or are expired can be found under the History tab. Assigned courses should be completed before the Due Date stated in the course info and description.
The included screenshots serve as examples only. You will see the actual courses assigned specifically to you.
Lessons are individual sessions in which information is presented about a more specific subject through video, slide shows or documents. Lessons may have tasks or assignments that must be completed before finishing a lesson.
Assignments are required tasks that are directly related to Lessons. Assignments may include downloading a document, watching a video or taking a quiz.