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239 total results found
Submitting Monthly Summary Notes
A Monthly Summary Note must be submitted for each Budget Group (ComHab and SEMP) for each month t...
How is my location data used?
The support staff's location data is recorded and used to verify their location at the participa...
What if I accidentally clock in? Can I delete a shift?
Yes. Support staff can still delete a shift. Just make sure that you are deleting a legitimately...
Can I (support staff) assist the participant in approving my time?
How do I fix incorrectly submitted time?
If a support staff incorrectly submits time, the circle approver should return the shift to the ...
With whom else will my location information be shared?
The New York State Department of Health EVV API will receive the word Home or Community for the ...
Will the family be notified of my location when they approve my time?
The circle approver will see either the word Home or Community for the start location and for th...
What if my time isn't approved by the submission deadline?
Any shifts not approved by the circle approver by the submission deadline will be pushed to be p...
What if I forget to clock in or clock out?
When a mistake is made by forgetting to start or end a shift, take note of when you actually sho...
How is my data stored and transported?
Your data is both transmitted and stored using commercial grade encryption. ISS complies with al...
Updated 05/10/22. What are Monthly Summary Notes? Monthly Summary Notes act as progress indicat...
Example User Stories
I Forgot To Clock In/Clock Out When a mistake is made by forgetting to start or end a shift, m...
How is my data stored and transported? How is my location data used? What if I forget to clock ...
EVV Keynote
Should I use Entry or Live?
It is strongly recommended that support staff use eTime Live instead of eTime Entry. As of midn...
Staff-Side Overlaps
A staff-side overlap occurs when a support staff's shift overlaps with one or more other shifts...
Glossary of Terms
Shift A block of time defined by a start and stop time; this is analogous to the previous conce...
eTime 1.5 - Released October 30, 2020
Introduction of the concept of the shift and the job period. Changed submission model to indiv...
Adding Events to a Shift
Events are explicitly recorded timeframes within a shift. Events within a shift must be recorde...
How to Login to the ISS Portal
Step By Step Instructions Logging in is a simple 3 step process. In order to start, you’ll nee...