Glossary of Terms


A block of time defined by a start and stop time; this is analogous to the previous concept of a line on a timesheet.

Job Period

A dynamic collection of all shifts falling within a specific date range (pay period) that all belong to the same participant, support staff, and job.

  • A support staff will have a different job period per job per participant.
  • Likewise, a participant will have a different job period per job per staff person.
eTime Ready

Refers to participants and jobs. eTime Ready participants have one or more jobs that are eTime Ready. A job is eTime Ready when the associated Staff Action Plan and Blank Timesheet is completed (“Blank Timesheet” here refers to the list of activities made available for a job). See also Am I eTime Ready?.

EVV Required

Refers to and describes a shift. Per Medicaid regulations, the combination of the job and the method selected for a shift determine whether it is EVV Required.

EVV Required Job & Method Combinations:

  • ComHab - Face to Face
  • ComHab - Virtual Face to Face
  • Respite - Face to Face
EVV Valid

Refers to and describes the start or end of a shift. It means that a valid geocode was captured for the action (i.e. starting a shift or ending a shift). 

EVV Invalid

Refers to and describes the start or end of a shift. It means that a valid geocode was NOT captured for the action (i.e. starting a shift or ending a shift). 

EVV Verified

Refers to and describes an entire shift. A shift is EVV Verified if the start and end are both EVV Valid. 

EVV Unverified

Refers to and describes an entire shift. A shift is EVV Unverified if either the start or end is EVV Invalid. 


A timesheet refers specifically to the artifact that ISS Payroll uses to process support staff time. It does NOT refer to the time submitted by support staff. Any number of shifts for the same support staff, participant, and job may be combined into a single timesheet, irrespective of how those shifts were submitted to ISS. Timesheets are also the artifact that is charged against a participant's budget. 


A check refers to the specific artifact on which ISS paid a shift or expense. Payment may have been received via physical check or direct deposit, but in both cases, there is a check and check number associated with the transaction. 

Web Approver / Circle Approver

The primary job of the web approver in the circle of support ("circle approver") is to act as the supervisor of the participant's support staff; specifically, to review and then either approve or reject the time submitted by staff.

In addition to approving time, a circle approver can also: