Portal Quick Start Guide

Log in URL: https://portal.issny.org

Username & Password:

  • Your login credentials have been carried forward from the old ISS Participant Portal. Enter them and click the “Login” button.

Forgot your password:

  • If you’ve forgotten your login credentials, simply click the “Forgot your Password?” link on the login screen. Clicking this link will take you to the following page. Enter your email address, press submit, and you will be sent a password reset link.


Your new Portal Home:

  • Once logged in you will be taken to your new Portal Home. Here you can select a participant by clicking on the participant’s name. You can always return to this page by clicking the ISS icon in the upper left hand corner or by clicking the person button in the upper right hand corner and selecting home. Additional future options are planned for this page.

The Person button:

  • Clicking the person icon ( from any page will expose the user options panel shown on the right. From here you currently have three options:
    • Home: will return you to the home screen
    • Change Password: will allow you to change your password
    • Log Out: will log you out of the Portal


Your new Participant Dashboard:

  • Selecting a participant from the home screen will take you to the Participant Dashboard. Once you’ve selected a specific participant, all links relate to that participant. The current participant dashboard view provides a quick preview of the selected fiscal year’s budget. Additional future dashboard options will be added below the budget summary.


Your new Dynamic Budget Summary:

  • Clicking on Budget will bring you to the new Dynamic Budget Summary page. This budget summary is very similar looking to the new budget summary PDFs delivered in the Old Participant Portal in 2018. Unlike those PDFs, however, these budget summaries are dynamic web code with which you may directly interact. All data shown is accurate as of final postings on the prior business day. Future additions will add the ability for you to click on any monthly cell to drill down to the timesheets and expenses generating that cost.


Your new Staff Action Plan:

  • Clicking on Staff Action Plan will bring you to the new Staff Action Plan viewer / editor. If you are a broker, you will be able to add and edit Staff Action Plans (Instructions for editing these plans will be provided elsewhere). All other users are able to view and download the current and draft plans. Please note that if your broker has not yet started your Staff Action Plan, this page will be blank.


Old Participant Portal pages:

  • There are three participant sections of the portal which are still supported through the Old Participant Portal. These are the Documents, Hab Plan, and Contact. Documents and Contacts will be migrated to the Portal in the future. Hab Plans will remain on the Old Participant Portal until they are no longer needed.

    Clicking any of the links will automatically take you to the correct portal without having to re-login.


    When switching between the Old Participant Portal and the new Portal, you may briefly see the following redirect screens. Your browser should automatically forward to the correct portal property. If it does not, click the button on the redirect screen.

     9.png   10.png


Old Participant Portal dashboard:

  • When logging into or navigating across to the Old Participant Portal, you may still be taken to the Old Participant Portal dashboard. Links which remain on this dashboard work without modification. Certain functions have been removed including View My Plan, and the State Funds (Over PRA and MES IDGS buttons). The functions are obsolete. As we migrate additional functionality into the new Portal, we will continue to remove links and options from the Old Participant Portal Dashboard.


Old Documents:

  • The Documents page works as before. This page and feature will be replaced in the future with drill down functionality from the dynamic budget summary.


Old Hab Plans:

  • The Hab Plan page works as before. This feature is currently deprecated and replaced by the Staff Action Plans in the new Portal. The Hab Plan editor / viewer will remain available in the Old Participant Portal until no longer needed.



Old Contacts:

  • The Contacts page works as before. This page and feature will be replaced in the future with a new contacts management section in the new Portal.



Old Participant Portal Login:

  • You are still able to log into the Old Participant Portal using the existing URL. Navigate your browser to https://participant.issny.org, and you will be taken to the Old Participant Portal login. You may use the same credentials to log into the Old Participant Portal and the New Portal.


  • Logging into the Old Participant Portal will present you with the same Choose a Participant screen that you have always used to select the desired participant.


Updated 12/01/20