How to Complete the Survey Online

Before You Begin
  1. Gather information and documentation
    • Name of employer
    • Hire data (exact or approximate, if exact not known)
    • Hourly wage
    • Average weekly hours worked
    • Termination date, if applicable, even if in a previous month
    • Termination reason, if applicable, even if in a previous month
    • Documentation proving employment that shows the wage
      • Paystub, proof of employment, of letter from the Dept. of Labor


Logging in
  1. If possible use a desktop computer, not a mobile device
    • Internet Explorer, Chrome or Safari browsers supported
  2. Use the secure link that was emailed to you:
    • Check your Spam folder
  3. Use your "portal" username and password
    • If you've forgotten your password, reset it on the portal, then use the survey
  4. Click the blue "Login" button to login:.



Completing the Survey
  1. Choose a participant from the list:
    • If your participant list is incorrect, please let Kim or Mary know.


  2. Choose a month
    • Click the pencil icon to complete that survey
    • Complete November 2016 first
    • Surveys for a given month are due by the 10th the following month.


  3. Answer the survey questions, using the "Next" buttons as they appear to progress throughout the survey:


    • Did the participant have a job in Nov 2016? yes/no
      1. Choose No to record a termination in the month of Nov 2016
      2. Choose No to record the case where the person didn't work but received job development services
      3. Choose Yes if the person worked in Nov 2016:
        • Enter data about any job(s) the participant has


        • The "Next" buttons will light up based on the answers to the questions
        • After you enter Job info and click the Next button, your job entries are checked for completeness
      4. Did the participant terminate a job in Nov 2016? yes/no
        • If "Yes", fill out the Job data (place employed, etc.) and provide a termination date (*even if it is before Nov 2016)
      5. Does the participant want a job?
        • Choose Yes to indicate you're still developing/coaching
        • Choose No (*and alert their Support Broker so they may remove from their budget)

  4. Upload documentation of participant's employed status:

    • For each job upload at least 1 piece of documentation:
    • Click the box to choose document from your computer to upload:
      • You don't need to upload a paystub every month; you only need to upload one paystub to prove the employment
      • You need to upload a new paystub whenever the rate of pay changes, for instance, when the minimum wage changed on Jan 1, 2017.

    • Browse to the file you want to upload. You may upload a picture or a PDF
    • Click Upload and you'll see the file in the box: 10.png
    • Click the magnifying glass to see your document in a larger window

  5. Complete the Survey, or save your work:
    • If you've completed the job(s) and uploaded documents, or if your participant has been terminated or isn't looking for a job, you can click Mark Survey Complete 11.png
      • You can then do a survey for another participant by clicking the Home icon to go back to your list of participants 12.png

      • Alternately, you can navigate between your Participants from the list of Surveys for a given participant, using the arrows in the header
    • Click Log Out to save your work and come back later
      • You may also use the green button found in the footer area of some screens. They work the same way

    • When you log out before completing, the survey you were workin on will be marked as "In Progress".