Recently Updated Pages
Can I enter eTime shifts for my staff?
No. Support staff must enter and submit their own time. You cannot submit time on behalf of so...
Who can enter and submit time?
Support staff must enter and submit their own time. You cannot submit time on behalf of someon...
Do I need to request access to eTime?
No. Your existing portal login is adequate. If you are support staff, then you will automatica...
How do I access eTime?
Go to to login. After logging in, there are buttons to start an eTime line sh...
Will eTime run in the background and drain my battery?
No. eTime Entry and eTime Live are both modern portal based websites that you will access via ...
Will my personal data be secure in eTime?
Yes; your connection to eTime and the rest of the portal uses the https protocol, which encryp...
I’m having trouble logging in. Help.
If you’ve forgotten your password, click the Forgot your password link on the login page (http...
Can staff still upload a scan of a paper timesheet using the Timesheet Upload feature?
No. The Timesheet Upload feature will no longer be available as of Friday, June 19, 2020.
Can I still submit paper timesheets by mail?
Yes. For the time being, paper timesheets submitted by mail are still accepted.
Will there be training for eTime?
A scheduled training session has not been planned for eTime. Rather, documentation, videos, an...
How can I set up a portal account for me or someone else?
Please send an email to with your name, email, phone number and role. Som...
What kinds of staff/services can submit time with eTime?
Currently, the only services/jobs supported by eTime are ComHab, SEMP (Job Coach and Job Devel...