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Timesheet Statuses
Timesheet Statuses There are five (5) timesheet statuses: Blank - Status after the Staff Act...
How do I enter my time if I’m working overnight?
If you are working a time frame spanning multiple days, as most notably happens when deliverin...
How often do I need to record my time with eTime?
If using eTime Live, you should be recording your time as you work. If instead you record you...
What is eTime? eTime is a web browser-based method for recording, approving, and submitting ti...
What is the difference between eTime Entry and eTime Live?
eTime Entry is the manual entry of each shift. eTime Live provides a more app-like interface...
Unlock and Download your Timesheets
Can I save a shift and come back to finish it later?
Yes. You can save a shift as a draft and return to it later. To return to it later, staff can cl...
Can I make changes to a shift?
Support staff can make changes to a shift if it is a Draft, or if it has been returned to the st...
I’m not sure which method to choose. What’s the difference?
See Method Options for information about each method and when to use each.
I’m performing Virtual Face to Face support. What technologies may I use for service delivery?
eTime will include a list of all known acceptable technologies. If your technology is not incl...
How do I submit/enter Time Off/PTO?
Please refer to the page Requesting/Submitting Time Off.
What do I do if one of my staff is unable to enter his/her time into eTime?
If the staff is unable to enter their time for some reason, For the time being, they can still...
Who can review and approve time?
Both the participant and the primary contact can review and approve time. In addition, any con...
How do I know if I have time to review? (Participant & Circle)
You will receive an email notification when a new shifts are ready for review. Job periods wit...
How do I know if I have time to correct? (Support Staff)
You will receive an email notification when a shift has been returned for corrections. Job per...
I’m support staff. Can I just hand my device to a circle member for approval?
No. In order to meet Medicaid billing requirements, we are capturing separate electronic signa...
Am I eTime Ready?
Participants, staff, and jobs that are not eTime ready are indicated as such throughout the po...
Can I enter eTime shifts for my staff?
No. Support staff must enter and submit their own time. You cannot submit time on behalf of so...
Who can enter and submit time?
Support staff must enter and submit their own time. You cannot submit time on behalf of someon...
Do I need to request access to eTime?
No. Your existing portal login is adequate. If you are support staff, then you will automatica...