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Tax Information Form Error - Duplicate TIN Matching Request
The IRS defines TIN as Taxpayer Identification Numbers. TINs are either an individual's Social...
Expense Submission Form Changes Effective 09/12/24
ISS has made improvements to the Expense Submission Form on our Portal. The revised Expense Subm...
Expense Submission Deadlines
Each month's expenses must be submitted to Accounts Payable within 30 days of the end of said mon...
Uploading An Expense
There are multiple ways to access the Submit Expense form. From the Home page of the portal...
Viewing My Expenses page as an Organization
If you have a corporate association that was submitted and approved, you will have permission to ...
Company Access Code
First Time Logging in When logging into UKG for the first time, you will be asked for a company ...
Auto-Deleted eTime Shifts
eTime shifts with the following status that have not been modified in 30 days will be deleted. D...
Method Options
In Person Face-to-Face Any service provided that directly involves the participant and support...
Data Validation
Overlaps A support staff is not allowed to submit shifts that overlap one another. Prior to sub...
Special Cases
Respite Respite shifts do not require the selection of Activities. Recording Non Direct Clinic...
Glossary of Terms
Shift A block of time defined by a start and stop time; this is analogous to the previous conce...
Staff-Side Overlaps
A staff-side overlap occurs when a support staff's shift overlaps with one or more other shifts...
Recording a Virtual Face to Face Shift
Certain jobs can be worked using the virtual method. Virtual Face to Face should be used ONLY w...
Tips for Preventing and Solving Common Issues
All staff should be using eTime at this point in time. If you are not yet using it, you are not ...
Glossary of eTime Icons
Source Icons: Indicates the shift was recorded using eTime Live. Indicates the shift w...
Circle-Side Overlaps
While reviewing a shift, a staff's time may overlap with time submitted by another staff. An over...
Payee Details - Taxpayer Information
Before you can enroll in ePay, you must first complete the Tax Information form. ACH regulations...
Payee Details - ePay Enrollment
ePay Enrollment may be filled out after completing the Tax Information form. From the My Expen...
Tax Information Form Error - Special Characters
If you receive an error message that says: Names must be less than 70 characters and may contain...
Uploading Multiple Images from a Mobile Device
iOS (iPhone) If you are using iOS (iPhone) to upload expense images, please note that if you use...